Volkspark Stadium Hamburg

The stadium of Hamburger SV was converted from a multi-purpose stadium into a pure soccer arena between 1998 and 2000 in order to meet international requirements for UEFA. 

Among other things, this required the field to be turned 90 degrees in a north-south direction. All buildings and stands adjacent to the field had to be demolished and rebuilt elsewhere.

Due to the fact that the remodelling took place during the current Bundesliga season, at least 31,000 spectator seats had to be available for every home game of the Hamburg sports club. Butzkies, as the steel construction company carrying out the work, mastered this challenge great.

The construction of the new stands is made of hot-dip galvanized steel and covered with concrete step elements. The load-bearing structure made of 6,500 tonnes of steel was hot-dip galvanized by ZINKPOWER Neumünster.

Grand Stands are based on galvanized steel structure
Stoppers in the fan block prevent downward pressure from the upper tiers

Railings and handrails made of hot-dip galvanised steel are resistant to mechanical stress.