References for energy technology
سواء على سطح الأرض أو في أعماق البحار تُعدُّ الجلفنة بالغمس الساخن أفضل وسيلة لحماية الأجزاء الفولاذية من التآكل. تعرفوا على المزيد عن مشاريعنا السابقة وعلى مواقع ZINKPOWER التي قامت بتنفيذها.
Zauberlehrling (The Sorcerer's Apprentice) EMSCHERKUNST 2013
Location: | Oberhausen, Germany |
Corrosion protection: | Hot-dip galvanized lattice tower |
| ZINKPOWER Berlin |
Borwin Beta
Location: | North Sea |
Corrosion protection: | Hot-dip galvanizing of all hydraulic pipes, various steel components and railings, some of which were subsequently powder coated. The pipes for the hydraulic systems were additionally phosphatised. |
Execution: | ZINKPOWER Rostock |
Offshore Alpha-Ventus Wind Farm
Location: | German Bight, North Sea |
Corrosion protection: | Hot-dip galvanizing and colour coating for the steel construction of the nacelle |
Execution: | ZINKPOWER Neumünster |